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How To Pick Your Niche | Niche Alchemy Spellbook

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How To Pick Your Niche | Niche Alchemy Spellbook


Are you SO DONE with the idea of having to "niche down" to stand out?

Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur who is currently struggling to "narrow your niche"?

Are you looking for an alternative to just talking about ONE topic because you have so many interests and passions?

Are you currently thinking "there must be another way"? But every blog post, coach and guru is telling you that you MUST narrow your niche if you want to be successful?

Well, let me tell you, there is a way. And "niche down" is actually horrible advice. I've heard this from every coach I hired, every blog post I've read and in every course I bought.

No matter how hard I tried, this "niche down" BS just wasn't working. And it caused me to:

  • Overthink everything in my business and niche
  • Constantly wonder if I niched down enough or if I narrowed it too much
  • Getting burnt out and tired from talking about only ONE thing (I was begging to get reignite that passion I once had)
  • Always switching from niche to niche (wondering if maybe THIS was the one)
  • Never having anything to show for all my hard work

Sound familiar?

This is the cycle that I was stuck in because niching down just simply wasn't working. It ultimately caused me more stress, frustration and anxiety than it did good. I was no longer trusting myself to make the best choice for my business. I relied on coaches and other peers to decide my niche for me.

But that just wasn't fulfilling and I knew that I had to make the choice to get back in the driver's seat of my business. And create a niche that I loved and could do for years + years to come.

No more overthinking or taking "niche down" as law. It was time to take action so that I could start creating the business (and niche) of my dreams.

If this sounds too good to be true, guess what?

I have news for you, no matter what any "expert" says, you get to build your business on YOUR terms. You can THRIVE in your business even if you have a million different passions.

Because your multiple passions aren't the problem. The problem is the way most multi-passionates go about it (including me).

You can have a business around knitting hats for cats and still be massively successful. There's no limit to what you can achieve in your business when you are crystal clear on your messaging and positioning.

That's the magic formula to creating a business that you love. And I teach you how in my new workbook "Niche Alchemy".

The reason I am able to thrive as a multi-passionate is because of my Niche Alchemy Formula. And here's the truth:

Being successful isn’t about picking a great niche, it’s about creating a great niche. You get to be successful by creating a niche based off of your many, many passions! You are your greatest asset. When you do this, people will flock to you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread (because you are 😉).

Creating a successful business isn't going to come from picking your niche out of a list of "most profitable niches 2024". Every niche can be profitable, it's all about how you go about it. And my mission is to help you get so clear on your niche that people can't help but to love your content (and want to pay you).

And I hate to tell you this but...

While all of the experts will tell you that picking a popular niche and niching down will help you stand out, it actually helps you blend in.

Think about it; would you rather be just another parenting blog or teach new moms how to prioritize their health through yoga + breathwork so that they can mend their relationships with their partners and themselves?

The second one is positioned so well which will make you stand out. Whereas the first one just blends into the bland sea of basic parenting blogs.

That’s the magic of Niche Alchemy! I didn’t call it that for no reason. This is literally witchcraft, haha.

I know that what Niche Alchemy does is really special and so needed. I wanted to make a change for my fellow multi-passionates. I wanted to send the message that just because you have multiple passions, doesn't mean you aren’t focused!

The magic is already in you, Niche Alchemy just helps you get it out into the world with clarity! 

This is literally the juiciest secret to creating a business that NOBODY is willing to teach you.

This is about creating a niche so compelling that people will feel insanely magnetized to you. It's that powerful! 

This workbook is not for the faint of heart. It is the real deal! We go deep into your one-of-a-kind superpower that will allow you to STAND OUT + SELL OUT

If you follow the same framework that everyone else is teaching, you’ll have to work 10x harder to stand out and create a connection with your audience.

By using the Niche Alchemy framework, you can catch your audience's eye, create a real connection with them, and show up authentically with ease. All of this ensures you will have raving fans, a niche that you LOVE and money in the bank to boot!

Can it get any better?

This is perfect for you, even if you already have a niche. Niche Alchemy will help you set a foundation for your business. I am teaching EVERYTHING you could possibly need when it comes to starting/building your business the aligned way.

And all of that starts with you! So… I know that you already know that this is for you, but Niche Alchemy will:

  • Walk you through the exact step-by-step I used to create an uncopyable niche
  • Teach you how to create your niche in one day with clarity that doesn’t limit you
  • Help you stand out online in the sea of sameness
  • Show you the magical side of niching
  • Make creating your potent niche FUN (let's put the fun back in business!)

Here's what you get:

  • Term glossary
  • The strategy breakdown
  • Business questionnaire and check-in
  • Define your ideal customer A.K.A. your tribe
  • Brain dump and get all of those passions out on paper
  • Niche Audit (how to set up your niche for max profitability)
  • Mind Map to get the gears going on content, products and freebies you could create
  • Craft your niche positioning and messaging
  • How to test your niche with your audience
  • Lifetime access to updates
  • FREE Notion Dashboard (with content management and creation tools, niche formula directory, market research tracker & so much more)

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